
Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Park At Your Own Risk

While vacationing in Gettysburg, PA a couple of months ago, we stumbled across this sign while in a parking lot...

I didn't realize that a wall could be dangerous!  My husband and I had a good laugh.

Have you ever seen a sign like this before?  Or any other weird signs?


  1. Remember in the old silent comedy films, a whole wall of a building would fall down and the MC would be left standing unhurt because a window was in a strategic spot? Maybe that's what they're talking about?

    1. Had to add...WooHoo, I'm your first follower. I feel honored! Stop by and say hi and follow me back :)

  2. And I am your second! Sorry about the pain issues, the chronic one is the hardest, I know. Nice to meet you!

  3. At Oktoberfest, I often see signs that read, "No standing or dancing on tables". I once saw a sign hanging on an apartment building down-town that read, "There are no snipers hiding in these windows". Always nice to be reassured that. And of course, you never want to read a sign that reads, "It is forbidden to dump bodies into the river." Okay, so the last one was from a TV show. Still, kind of a funny sign, if not horrific.

  4. Ha, funny sign. Maybe the wall has a crack?
